martes, 18 de abril de 2017

My favorite thing: My Ps4

My favorite thing is my Playstation 4 (Ps4) that is a videogame console (the latest of playstation®). I Bought it at December of 2013 in Miami, Florida when my grandfather were in the USA in a work trip.
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I love my ps4 because I can use it in so many things like play videogames (my favorite one is “the last of us”), watch movies (you can download the Netflix app), watch YouTube videos (you can download the YouTube app), listen music (downloading the Spotify app) and many other things.
I use my Ps4 every day, I use to listen music when I am studying, I watch movies in Netflix with my family or I play videogames when I`m bored.
I think that my life without my Ps4 would be exactly the same because I can do the same thing I do with the ps4 with my phone or my computer but I prefer use the Ps4 because is more comfortable than another device.

martes, 11 de abril de 2017

My opinion about...

.-Women in the military:
I think that women have the right to do the same things that a man can do, women are free to choose their future, because men aren´t better that women.

 Imagen relacionada

.- Fortune telling:
I think that people who say that can read your future are liars because I think that we are owners of our own destiny and writers of our own stories.

Imagen relacionada

I believe that recycling is the best way to help the planet and I think that if we save the planet, we are saving ourselves because we are destroying our own home.

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.-Legalizing marijuana:
I think that marijuana have to be legalized because it isn´t dangerous to our bodies like another drugs like cocaine or heroine. This “drug” is just a way to get relaxed.

Resultado de imagen para marijuana legalization
.-Legalizing abortions in some cases:
I think that abortion must be legal in cases of sexual abuse or if mother`s life have a risk but abortion shouldn’t be to those people who don`t care about their sexual lifes.  

Resultado de imagen para abortion

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

Jota´s memories

Joaquin Andres Gamboa Pacheco (aka Jota) was born in Santiago, Chile in the year 1998.

At elementary school, he studied at Colegio polivalente Don Orione located in Cerrillos. In this school, he knew his best friend Emilio Duran who stills being his best friend.
When he was 12 years old, he went to Liceo Nacional de Maipu to complete his high school.
Jota is actually studying veterinary sciences at Universidad de Chile, the faculty is located at La Pintana. He is studying this because he loves animals and he want to take care of them.
Now he lives with his parents, his brothers and his dog in Maipu, Santiago.

Jota loves crafts, so in his free times he love to create useful things. He also like to play the piano.