martes, 11 de abril de 2017

My opinion about...

.-Women in the military:
I think that women have the right to do the same things that a man can do, women are free to choose their future, because men aren´t better that women.

 Imagen relacionada

.- Fortune telling:
I think that people who say that can read your future are liars because I think that we are owners of our own destiny and writers of our own stories.

Imagen relacionada

I believe that recycling is the best way to help the planet and I think that if we save the planet, we are saving ourselves because we are destroying our own home.

Resultado de imagen para recycling

.-Legalizing marijuana:
I think that marijuana have to be legalized because it isn´t dangerous to our bodies like another drugs like cocaine or heroine. This “drug” is just a way to get relaxed.

Resultado de imagen para marijuana legalization
.-Legalizing abortions in some cases:
I think that abortion must be legal in cases of sexual abuse or if mother`s life have a risk but abortion shouldn’t be to those people who don`t care about their sexual lifes.  

Resultado de imagen para abortion

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