jueves, 22 de junio de 2017

WEBQUEST 3 > How green are you?

Part 1- Calculate your carbon footprint!

Part 2 - Video >> Top ten tips for recycling

Watch the video and choose the best 3 tips in your opinion.

1.Reuse bags or get a bag for life.
2.Try to keep your bin out of direct sunlight to stop it getting to warm and always remember to keep that thin lid closer 
3.Before to put a bottle in the bin, squash it to get more space.

mi茅rcoles, 7 de junio de 2017

Webquest 2


This is a Saguinus Labiatus also known as Tamarino labiado, I like this pic because this little monkey looks like a pokemon and I think that is funny because the lips of this primate are white and their ears are like the ears of a dwarf.

I love this pic because I love schnauzers, they are one of the most intelligent dog breeds, they don´t molt and they are so cute. One of the main characteristics of this animal is their cute whiskers and their furry eyebrows.

This is a colorful plane worm of the family of platyhelmintes and liked this photo because this specie of platyhelmintes is so colorful. This specie is so flexible, hermaphrodites and one of the most interesting things about this animal, is that they eat by a projectable pharynx (It´s like an arm).


This video talks about deer an how aggressive they can be, this video is a chapter of a mini serie named “What would you do?” and the main idea is that the spectator have to answer what would they do with specific problems.


This video is about a couple in africa who are found by an angry elephant. this video is part of the same serie I have talked before. I didn´t knew that a pacific animal could turn agressive in one minute if their babies are being  bothered.

Why do I want to be a vet?

When I was a child I wanted to study veterinary sciences because I love animals and I wanted to help them. When I was 16 years old, I wanted to study odontology but then I thought that I didn´t want a life in an office smelling strange people all day, then I thought to study architecture but I realized that I am so bad drawing and crafting. I decided to study veterinary sciences when my dog died after the birth of her puppies by a sepsis shock. My experience as student of veterinary science is good until now, because I love some subjects and I have the opportunity of participating in activities near of animals (like 4A, Copba, working with equines, etc…). I think I want to work in swine breed, because this kind of veterinaries have the opportunity of travel around the country in different breeding centers. Another thing that I would like to do is to work in a Zoo because my dream is to work in  the breeding of an elephant since the birth to the death.  

jueves, 18 de mayo de 2017

A photograph I like

La imagen puede contener: 2 personas, exterior y agua

Well, I really love this pic because the girl that is with me is Michelle, my cousin, and she died around two years ago. The photo was took by my mother when we was in a trip to the beach in June of 2002. We used to go to the beach every weekend, we really loved it so much.
The reason of why I love this pic is because she posted this photo in her Facebook profile saying that she love me in June of 2014. I really miss her and it was really hard to me to enter in her Facebook profile and take the photograph.

Another reason of why I love this photo is because this pic makes me remember her so much, better than other photos that we have together because she lived in algarrobo since 2005 and we was in there when the picture was token.

jueves, 11 de mayo de 2017

Webquest 1

A) About Cows:

1. What are the  5 most common pathologies of cows? Mention them and give a little description too.

.-Tick damage: Ticks can cause damage on cattle because they are bloodsucking parasites and in that way they can origin infections.

.-Redwater: Redwater is a disease caused by blue ticks and the sings of this disease are lack of appetite, fever, red urine and also nervous sings like walking difficulties.   

.- Heartwater: Signs of heartwater are fever, depression, high-stepping, leading to convulsions and death. Treatment is with Tetracycline, as already mentioned.

.-Lumpy-skin: It´s spread among animals by contact and also biting insects It causes lumps in the skin, but can also lead to death if the lumps are inside the animal

.- Diet-related problems: This occurs when cattle do not get enough food, or if their diet does not contain enough nutrients.

2. Publish a picture of the cow's digestive system (with names)

 3. Publish a picture of the cow's external anatomy  (with names)

B) Choose one of these farm animals:  pig, horse or rabbit.

1. Choose a good website that refers to your animal. Explain why you like the website. (50 words)

I choose the pig because is an interesting animal and a good site to know all the news about this animal is http://www.thepigsite.com. I like this page because you can find all the information about pigs like news of pig producers, articles about diseases or discoveries, books written by expert veterinaries, information about veterinary conferences and a lot of content that you would like to know.

2. Find a good picture showing (with names) the animal's external anatomy.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

My timeline

December of 1998: I was born in santiago, chile.

March of 2002: My brother Sergio was born
La imagen puede contener: una o varias personas, personas tocando instrumentos musicales e interior My brother and I playing the piano.

April of 2003: I started the kindergarten

March of 2005: I started the school

November of 2012: I`ve got my first dog
La imagen puede contener: perro e interiorMy dog in her first day at home

October of 2014: My dog died by a sepsis

November of 2016: I graduated from school
  La imagen puede contener: 4 personas, monta帽a, cielo, exterior y naturalezaMe and my classmates in our school trip

March of 2017: I started the university studying Veterinary sciences

martes, 18 de abril de 2017

My favorite thing: My Ps4

My favorite thing is my Playstation 4 (Ps4) that is a videogame console (the latest of playstation®). I Bought it at December of 2013 in Miami, Florida when my grandfather were in the USA in a work trip.
Resultado de imagen para playstation 4
I love my ps4 because I can use it in so many things like play videogames (my favorite one is “the last of us”), watch movies (you can download the Netflix app), watch YouTube videos (you can download the YouTube app), listen music (downloading the Spotify app) and many other things.
I use my Ps4 every day, I use to listen music when I am studying, I watch movies in Netflix with my family or I play videogames when I`m bored.
I think that my life without my Ps4 would be exactly the same because I can do the same thing I do with the ps4 with my phone or my computer but I prefer use the Ps4 because is more comfortable than another device.

martes, 11 de abril de 2017

My opinion about...

.-Women in the military:
I think that women have the right to do the same things that a man can do, women are free to choose their future, because men aren´t better that women.

 Imagen relacionada

.- Fortune telling:
I think that people who say that can read your future are liars because I think that we are owners of our own destiny and writers of our own stories.

Imagen relacionada

I believe that recycling is the best way to help the planet and I think that if we save the planet, we are saving ourselves because we are destroying our own home.

Resultado de imagen para recycling

.-Legalizing marijuana:
I think that marijuana have to be legalized because it isn´t dangerous to our bodies like another drugs like cocaine or heroine. This “drug” is just a way to get relaxed.

Resultado de imagen para marijuana legalization
.-Legalizing abortions in some cases:
I think that abortion must be legal in cases of sexual abuse or if mother`s life have a risk but abortion shouldn’t be to those people who don`t care about their sexual lifes.  

Resultado de imagen para abortion

martes, 4 de abril de 2017

Jota´s memories

Joaquin Andres Gamboa Pacheco (aka Jota) was born in Santiago, Chile in the year 1998.

At elementary school, he studied at Colegio polivalente Don Orione located in Cerrillos. In this school, he knew his best friend Emilio Duran who stills being his best friend.
When he was 12 years old, he went to Liceo Nacional de Maipu to complete his high school.
Jota is actually studying veterinary sciences at Universidad de Chile, the faculty is located at La Pintana. He is studying this because he loves animals and he want to take care of them.
Now he lives with his parents, his brothers and his dog in Maipu, Santiago.

Jota loves crafts, so in his free times he love to create useful things. He also like to play the piano.